Total Medals Earned: 3,870 (From
644 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 62,695 Points
Linda Vista de Patarrá, Desamparados, San José
Tamarindo Beach, Guanacaste
Carmen Lyra School, Concepción de Alajuelita, San José
Barrio Carit, San José
Curridabat Municipality, SanJosé
Sport place, Aguantafilo, San José
House of health, Los Cuadros, Desamparados, San José
A house in Carpio, San José
SOS Children´s Villages, Tres Rios, Cartago
Escuela de los Guido, Desamparados, San José
Pedestrian bridge, Colonia 15 de Setiembre, Hatillo, San José
Pedestrian bridge, Colonia 15 de Setiembre, Hatillo, San José
Tejarcillos School, Alajuelita, San José
Cristo Rey, Barrio Cuba, San José
Borbon, San José
National Children Patronage (PANI), San José
Cellular Base Station, Sagrada Familia, San José
Centro Cultural Español, San José
SOS Children´s Villages, Tres Rios, Cartago
ButterFly Farm Mural Contest, Guacima, Alajuela
Get your team to level 5.
Rough way back...
Get 6 Challenge Medals.
Reach 40,000 Distance.
Reach 400 Speed.
Get 9 Challenge Medals.
Reach 100,000 Distance.
Get your team to level 10.
Reach 600 Speed.
[?], [?], [?], [?], Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start...
Get 12 Challenge Medals.
Reach 700 Speed.
One is Silver and the other's Gold...
Reach 200,000 Distance.
Geek ain't no dev'...
Girls around the world...
Get your team to level 15.
Get your team to level 20
Get 15 Challenge Medals
Reach 350,000 Distance.
Reach 800 Speed.
Get your team to level 25.
Reach 500,000 Distance.
Reach 900 Speed.
Get 18 Challenge Medals.
Visit the Museum
Collected your first BOOT
Collect 100 boots
Get all four diggers into the pub
Dig up Edward Cartwright's POWER LOOM
Dig up the green ET Atari cart
Collect 1000 boots
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Earn 1 G
Hire an intern
Try Some "Magic Powder" ;)
Level up for the first time
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Complete The game
Play Billy's Barricade
Survive first day
Get over 190 points on one stack
Survive second day
Win Billy's Barricade
kill the first boss
buy somethign in the shop
find it
find and kill a miniboss
Kill the second boss
Play through the intro.
Spend your first Talent Point.
Spend some rubies in the ugrade menu.
Defeat the first boss.
Fully upgrade your hero talents.
Have at least 4000 rubies when you enter the upgrade menu.
Fully upgrade your assault rifle.
Fully upgrade your bazooka.
Unlock the secret companion cube.
Unlock the secret robot unicorn.
Defeat the second boss.
Fully upgrade your sniper rifle.
Beat all the waves on endless mode.
Beat the final boss on beginner.
Defeat the third boss.
Fully upgrade all your weapons.
Beat the final boss on hard.
Reload your weapons 100 times!
Collect 5000 coins
Use bullet time for 120 seconds
Use frozen grenade to froze yourself!
Die 10 times
Shoot 2000 bullets
Loot 100 wardrobes
Blast 20 enemies with bazooka
Collect 15000 coins
Destroy first boss with only 20 health lost!
Research all attachments
Research all additional weapons
Slash 50 enemies
Chainsaw 15 hostiles
Throw 10 grenades
Upgrade one of your special ability to maximum
Complete the game without dying
Complete the game on any difficulty
Hack 30 computers
Kill 150 hostiles
Finish one level without shooting
Complete the game on Hardcore difficulty
Research all items in the game
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Capture a power station
Get 8 followers
Engage in a massive battle
Turn their towers against them on "Hide and Go Sneak"
Use wave after wave of your own men to deplete a laser tower's ammo
1337 circle deaths
Defeat 1337 squares
Beat "Two Towers" in 20 seconds or less
Beat "Burninate" in 45.1 seconds or less
Beat "Four Bases". Yeah, just beat it.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
View the credits
Kill all enemies on "Trap"
Defeat the squares on "Fight or Flight"
Beat "Combat" without dying
Beat "Crosswalks" without any circles dying
Save at least 42 circles on "Containment"
Beat the game
Get 21 achievements
Ran 1,000 Meters
You Died!
Ran 5,000 Meters
Ran 10,000 Meters
Ran 50,000 Meters
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!