Total Medals Earned: 3,870 (From
644 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 62,695 Points
finish both paths
Start new campaign
Kills a monster for the first time
Finished campaign level 3
Completed level 1 and level 2 campaign tutorial
Finished campaign level 5
Earn total 10000 Energy in domination mode
Finished campaign level 11
Finished campaign level 9
Dominate more than 6 base
Finish all campaign levels
Earn total 30000 Energy in domination mode
Finished campaign level 6
Earn total 50000 Energy in domination mode
Finished all campaign levels
50 blocks destroyed
Kill 100 bots
30 blocks destroyed
Kill 500 bots
Kill the boss!!
Reward for anyone who successfully complete the game
Build 10 towers in a single game
Destroy 15 Capital ships in a single game
Complete game on Normal Mode or higher
Complete game on Hard Mode or higher
Complete game on Insane Mode or higher
Get a score of 6,000,000 in Survival Mode.
Reach 100 kills.
Collect 20 coins.
Collect 25 diamonds.
Collect 25 greens.
Collect 500 coins.
Collect 500 diamonds.
Collect 50 blues.
Get a x50 multiplier.
Achieve 1000 kills.
Collect 250 blues.
Get a x100 multiplier.
Collect 1000 diamonds.
Collect 2500 coins.
Get an x150 multiplier.
Complete the game!
Achieve 2500 kills.
I TOLD you dog!
Win the aggressive way
Win the epic way
Win the undetected way
I did it on purpose...
6d 69 73 73 69 6e 67 6e 6f 0d 0a
Lose 6 points
Fail 55 times
Watch all 40 unique fails
You know you want this medal
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Clear first 4 levels
Check the credits page!
Clear levels 5-8
Clear levels 9-12
Clear levels 13-16
Clear levels 17-20
200 Abilities used in combat
600 Action Points spent
5.000 Armor points destroyed
160 Class changes performed
150 Crew Points wasted
300 Critical hits striked
600 Enemy shots deflected
300 bots killed by Engineer
200 Bots killed by Flash strike
400 bots killed by Forcer
150 Bots Stunned by Grenades
250 Bots hacked
5.000 Damage healed
900 bots killed by Heavy
200 Bots set on fire
100 Bots stopped by EM Impulse
Killed 100 bots
25 Squadmates lost
1.200 bots killed by Marine
Killed 1.000 bots
100 Bots stepped on Mines
500 Shots deflected by Protection field
Gained 25.000 credits
300 Bots killed by Rocket Strike
400 Bots killed by Shockwave
Killed 1.000 ranged shooters
1.500 Bots slowed down
500 Bots Stunned
100 combat upgrades placed
500 Veterancy promotions gained
First victory
Act one completed
Act Two completed
Completed Challenge
Killed 50 Hammerbots
Completed Hard wave
Gained 50.000 credits
Survived with 1 Crew Points remaining
All Hard waves done in any Act
Killed 10.000 bots
Act Three completed
50.000 Shots fired
1.500.000 Damage dealt
All challenges completed
100% Campaign completion
Kill the first enemy.
Explode the big mean door.
Destroy all the bunnies.
Complete the game.
Die over 100 times.
Defeat Slash in Guitar Hero.
Finish the game without dying more than 20 times.
Ethics anyone?
Get yourself killed
Kill that bastard whale
Have 10 babies delivered dead.